Monday, March 19, 2012

Cannon powershot elph 100hs

Cannon powershot elph 100hs Tube. Duration : 2.60 Mins.

I bought this camera and it didnt work right straight out of the box. So i exchanged it for the same camera Hopefully this new one works. IM praying lol I think its funny that walmart doesn't trust young people.. Social profileing isn't fair at all. My mom can return just about anything without a recipt but if i had gone up there to return it without her they would have harassed me and said it was my fault. I think its sad because im young that im not trustable. trust some old lady over me its just not fair.. yeah well at least walmart replaced the camera they sold me that was broken.:p well see I hope this one works.

Keywords: Logitech, webcam

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